Did you know...


Hi, nice to meet you here, I'm Petra and Connection is my word. Connection with people and nature.

Since 2005 I have been working as a body-oriented therapist in my practice www.praktijkpetradevries.nl. For me, the body is one with the mind and soul.

Did you know... My mission is: to contribute to healing the connection between body, mind and soul. The herbal blends therefore aim to contribute to restoring this connection. I do this connecting in my practice and now also here. All herbal blends have the intention to contribute to restoring the connection. Let's face it, when you drink a delicious cup of tea you will immediately feel better about yourself, right?

The origines of the webshop

Did you know... I don't like coffee, believe me I've tried it many times but I really don't like coffee. But I do love tea! I drink it every day.

From the moment I got my own garden some 30 years ago. I have grown herbs in it to use in the kitchen, as medicine and to make tea.

I shared the tea blends I made with friends, gave them as gifts or served them in my practice. In order to meet the demand for the blends, I have switched from growing my own herbs to purchasing high-quality herbs and selling them through this website.


On the way to 100% organic herbs

Did you know... 80% of the herbs used in the blends are already organic. The aim is to make this 100%.

Naturally, all blends are without artificial additives, flavor enhancers or aromas.


Tea Test Team

Did you know... All tea blends are extensively tasted and tested. Only when the tea testing team is satisfied with the taste and effect of the tea, will a new tea be added to the range.



Did you know... Some teas are seasonal simply due to the availability of the ingredients. So it occasionally happens that a blend is ''out of stock''.



Did you know... My dream is to ship with minimal environmental impact.

That is why the 25 and 50 gram blends have Bio-based packaging. Remove the label (which can be placed with the waste paper) and then the tea packaging can be placed in the green bin.

The box in which the tea blends are sent to you is also made of ecological cardboard.



Did you know... The webshop was created with the help of my family wich I am thankfull for. My eldest son built the webshop, my sister edited the Dutch texts and my youngest son did the English translation. The youngest daughter-in-law designed the logo and icons and the eldest daughter-in-law will help with the social media activities. Petra's Special Tea has become a real family business.


Warm regards, Petra

Schedule a (tea) consultation now!